LLagar Castañón

We introduce here Llagar Castañón when we went to visit it. Founded at 1935, his current owner is Julián Castañón García. The cider made is Sidra Natural Castañón and Sidra D.O.P. Valdeboides. The address is Bº Los Pisones nº 90 - Crta. San Miguel de Arroes, 33314 Quintueles. Phone 985 89 45 76. On December of 2011 is inaugurated the new llagar.


  • Winner of the XVII Public Festival Cider Award at Gijón in 2008
  • Winner of the XXV Sidra de Villaviciosa Award in 2009
  • Winner of the XX Elogio de Oro Festival Cider Award at Gijón in 2011
  • Winner of the Traditional Natural Cider with Val de Boides DOP in 2015
  • Winner of the Traditional Natural Cider with Val de Boides DOP in 2016
  • Winner of the Asturian Traditional Natural Cider with Val de Boides DOP at Nava in 2017
  • Winner of the Asturian Traditional Natural Cider with Val de Boides DOP at Nava in 2018
  • Winner of the Asturian Traditional Natural Cider with Val de Boides DOP at Villaviciosa in 2018
  • Winner of the Asturian Traditional Natural Cider with Val de Boides DOP at Nava in 2019
  • Winner of the Asturian Traditional Natural Cider with Val de Boides DOP in 2020
  • Winner of the Asturian Traditional Natural Cider with Val de Boides DOP in 2021
  • Winner of the XXX Elogio de Oro Festival Cider Award at Gijón in 2021
  • Winner of the Asturian Traditional Natural Cider with Val de Boides DOP in 2024


trasegandosidra DOtoneles de maderapales de cajastren de llenadomaquina de lavadocamion de repartomaquinariareparto a sidreriaentrega de cajascamion de manzanapequeño camioncamion grandecajas en lateralnuevo llagarzona ampliatoneles de aluminiovista desde arriba


Rice of the menu is recently made


Make your booking 21 €

Check out

Fish and Shellfish


Discover Them This Weekend

SuggestionsFor March 13, 14 and 15

  • Fried Diced Monkfish

    23 €
  • Monkfish Skewer

    28 €
  • Grilled Cod

    22 €
  • Fresno´s Grilled Leeks

    13,50 €
  • Homemade Tripe

    17 €
  • Dry Meat with Foie

    18,50 €
  • Baby Lamb Chops

    19 €
  • Baby Lamb Shoulder

    25 €
  • Aliste Entrecot

    30 €/500 grs
  • Aliste Sirloin Steak

    24 €

The ListIndulge your senses


Fresh Squids21 €
Squids in Its Ink with Potatoes18 €
Stuffed Asparagus with Ham and Cheese (4 units)13,50 €
Dried Meat with Goat Cheese21,50 €
Dried Meat with Virgin Olive Oil17,50 €
Fish Mousse14 €
Grilled Vegetables17 €
Grilled Mushrooms with Chopped Fried Garlic12 €
Ribs with Chopped Fried Garlic13 €
Veal's Liver with Onions or Chopped Fried Garlic with Potatoes14 €


Foie Salad with Apple Cream, Dried Meat Shavings, Modena's Vinegar and Maldon Salt18,50 €
Aubergine Salad with Tomato, Goat Cheese and Modena Reduction Dressing12 €
Thousand Leaves of Goat Cheese12,50 €
Chicken Salad with Blackberries and Blueberries Vinaigrette14 €
Mixed Salad12 €
Normal Salad8,50 €


Monkfish Skewer with King Prawns, Peppers and Shellfish SauceS/P
Hake in Parsley and Garlic Sauce or GrilledS/P
Other type of fish, take a look at suggestionsS/P


Eggs, Baby Eels, Spring Garlics and King Prawns14,50 €
Eggs, Mushrooms with Ham12,50 €


Small Veal Escalope in Cabrales Cheese Sauce18 €
Cachopo Veal ( Cheese, Ham, Green Asparagus and Red Pepper )24,50 €
Other type of meat, take a look at suggestionsS/P


Lemon Mousse5,00 €
Tiramisu6,00 €
Cheese Cake5,50 €
Ibense Ice Cream3,70 €
Entrecot de Black AngusRubiel Fresco

OurDining Zone

Make your celebrations up to 20 people maximum

Visit our cider house

saturday menu

With Family

You can discover our cider house
as a meeting point to spend your free time with everyone you want

sunday menu

With Friends

Spend some awesome moments
with your friends in a nice and funny atmosphere

Traditional PouringYou won't forget it


Discover it

LocationSidrería Balmes



Monday and Tuesday
From 12:30 to 16:00 and From 20:00 to 23:30
From 20:00 to 23:30
Friday and Saturday
From 12:30 to 16:00 and 20:00 to 24:00
From 12:30 to 16:00 and 20:00 to 23:30

Wednesday and Thursday morning closed except holiday eve


You can make your booking by
tlf. 984 19 74 18
or by email marcos@sidreriabalmes.com
We shall respond as soon as possible


Sidrería Balmes
Balmes St., 5 Bajo
33204 Gijón
Tlf. 984 19 74 18

Locate us

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We hope you all have enjoyed a lot

We see you again when you wish